The Lord’s Prayer


Sung settings of The Lord’s Prayer abound, providing many different atmospheres, each useful in

various times and places. The two settings here each express the quiet, meditative aspects of the

prayer. Setting one is accessible for congregations, using a range of an octave with flowing melodic

movement. Setting two is suitable for cantor or choir, with a range of a ninth and free-flowing,

chantlike rhythm.


Many congregations sing The Lord’s Prayer. In most circumstances it is important to celebrate the

corporate aspect of the prayer by having the gathering sing together. While many congregations

feel comfortable singing the same setting repeatedly, any setting may get tiresome after a time so

singing new settings becomes desirable. This offering here is one of many made available for


These settings of The Lord’s Prayer were originally composed for A Service of Evening Praise and

Prayer, composed in the 1990s. That service, or versions thereof (Morning Praise and Prayer, Midday

Praise and Prayer) have been celebrated in a local churches in the midwest plus convocations of The

Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts. Unpublished at the moment, A

Service of Evening Praise and Prayer will be made available in the future.


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